I don't ever recall coming back from a vacation feeling like I do right now. I am emotionally spent and both physically and mentally exhausted and yet a part of me feels like a new man. Wife and I just got back from a five day cruise and we spent two days in Mexico. One day in Progreso and the other in Cozumel. Cozumel was a great experience as we spent the day snorkeling and kayaking in the Gulf of Mexico and had some of the best fajitas outside of my grill. Progreso, however, was the one place that I don't think I'll ever forget. There I got my chance to touch a piece of history: I got to climb on an actual Mayan ruin in Dzibilchaltun on the Yucatan peninsula.
Who woulda thought?
Now we have to get you certified to dive so that you can go back to Cozumel with us for Austin's birthday in October.
Diving certification is a dream of mine but it'll have to be a solo endeavour as my wife has asthma and cannot get cleared to dive.
I still want to do it one of these days. Hope things are well with you and Austin.
Austin has had asthma since childhood and has over a 100 dives under his belt. If she isn't interested, that is one thing. But asthma alone shouldn't stop her if she really wants to.
Got a favor to ask you - check your email.
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