Monday, October 23, 2006

Fair well

Last night the Texas State Fair came to a close. Although I wasn't there to see it out, I did get my requisite corny dog and I did get a walk through the creative arts exhibit.

I'm not sure why the Fair has always grabbed me. A friend said recently that the state fair was everything he liked about Texas all in one place, and I think I agree with him: cars, gadget demonstrations, animals, mechanical contraptions, farm machinery, agriculture, and people having a good time. I didn't get to try the latest fried concoctions, but that's why God makes next year.

BTW, Heroes is getting really good.


1 comment:

edieraye said...

I've never been to the State Fair. Sigh. I bet if I had any REAL friends, they would have taken me to the Fair by now. Sigh.

And Heroes, still not doing it for me. But I am sticking with it. Friday Night Lights, on the other hand is much better than I thought it would be!